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Bio of Caroline Raybaudi

Of French nationality, Caroline Raybaudi works as an Opera singer as well as a Film actress.




Her qualifications include a Master's degree in Music theory (Master1) as well as a Masters (Master2) in Cultural Administration from the University of Reims.


Caroline studied theatre at the Conservatoires of Troyes and Nancy. She is graduated in singing in class of Elizabeth Vidal at the Conservatoire of Nice (DEM and Perfectionnement).




Caroline performed the role of Suzanna in "Nozze di Figaro" in Nancy, Papagena in "Zauberflöte" in the Governer's palace in Nancy and Louise in "La Vie Parisienne" at the Reims Opera.



Since 2011, Caroline performs her own creation of one person operettas "La Gourmandise de Ciboulette", "Ciboulette, l'artiste coquette" and "Ciboulette découvre la musique mécanique".



2012 - Caroline sang the role of Véronique in Bizet's "Docteur Miracle" (orchestra Gradus ad Musicam) at the Salle Poirel in Nancy and also in the Château of Luneville.



2013 - Caroline performed the role of the Princess and also the Witch in a show for children by Stéphane Thérel called "La Princesse et le Pêcheur".



2014 - Caroline sang the role of Catherine in Offenbach's "Pomme d'Api", also Poulenc's "La Voix Humaine" performed in the Salle Raugraff in Nancy.



2018 - Caroline sang in a show for children by Christian Magnani called "Thaïs dans la tempête du temps", also in a Francis Coiteux's songs cycle "Le Carrousel des saisons" (lyrics : Caroline Raybaudi), in Mirecourt.




Caroline has studied Film acting in Paris with Bosilka Simonovitch (Cours Florent) and with Kim Massee and Pascal Rémy (Artworx Films). She plays with many film directors and casting directors in Ciné Masterclass.



Caroline has played roles in many short films... She likes all artistic genres. She sings also in the lyric clips "Serins, merles et perroquets, approchez !" and "Spectacle rassurant" with the production LyriCiné (see videos).



In 2015 Caroline can be seen in the role of the Social worker in the full length film "Une Enfance" ("A Childhood") by Philippe Claudel (winning Gold Hugo for Best Film of Chicago Film Festival and Bayard d'Or of the Best Screenplay in FIFF of Namur).

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